Blog Layout Updates
The Woobox Blog could probably be described as the red-headed stepchild of the Woobox family... We were just always so busy with everything else that we rarely had time to write blog posts or work on the appearance of the blog. Luckily, in 2013, we hired a marketing lady to focus on just that. She was great with articles, but was still forced to work with a less-than-lovely blog layout. I eventually took it upon myself to work on that (although by that time she had moved on). I knew the blog wasn't responsive, nor was it easy to navigate, or even to read. I worked on it between other projects, and eventually got it to a decent place, including adding some specific styles for blog posts (and, of course, creating a little style guide for everyone else who would be writing the articles, so they knew what to use). Along with that, I changed the list view of the articles, made some changes to the sidebar and menus, and made it all responsive. After all this was done, I went through and updated all the old articles to be formatted according to new specifications, and all was well with the world...