Home Page
This was what I was able to complete prior to leaving Woobox, and while the graphics are a bit (really) repetitive, I was trying to keep it cohesive, and there was a lot of indecisiveness about what type of graphics we would actually want to be using for the individual feature/info sections on the page, as well as the banner up top. So these were really more of placeholders than anything, just to get the color scheme and whatnot across.
Contact Page
This is actually pretty much the same as our "old" Contact page, which I had recently redesigned as well (using a customized contact form that connected to our Desk support system). So there's not much new here in the page content area, just the new headers, footers, etc.
Home Page
Navigation Button on Hover
Home Page
Navigation Menu Item on Hover
Home Page
Main Banner Button on Hover
Home Page
Close-up of one of the feature sections, where all the apps were listed (and clickable to link to each app info page).
Sign-Up/Login Page
Password Recovery Page
Plans & Pricing Page
Please excuse the weird button formatting -- it wasn't like that in the actual live page, but the screenshot made it do that.
Legal Pages - DMCA Notice
Legal Pages - User Terms
Sweepstakes App Page
Again, I didn't do a ton of re-designing in the content area of these, because there was quite a bit of back-and-forth between our team about how we wanted to reformat and reword the feature listing. Additionally, in the "live" version of these pages, there would also have been a section near the bottom for "live examples" of sweepstakes for users to check out.
Custom Tab App Page